Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh the Places You Will Go!

Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words and in this case it's a good thing. Check back later for a commentary. For now I'm all "computered" out. In the meantime, enjoy the picture stories.


  1. Cindee, I love your pictures! It looks like you had an awesome trip!

  2. Cindee, this trip sounds so amazing. I have never wanted to travel so badly in my life. I'm super jealous. I'm so glad you were able to take this trip :) The pictures are beautiful!

  3. Wow! Your pictures are beautiful, it must have been an amazing trip. And when exactly did you start working as a super model? You look gorgeous!

  4. Hey Cindee, Sorry I haven't commented on your blog in a while! I actually read them but it was a while ago and forgot to comment :/ Anyway, these are such great pictures! And good idea with the collage to stick them all together :) I read an article in my polisci class about the burqa deal in France. It was very interesting and sad because it was so controversial when it really shouldn't be... Anyway, I think it's time for a post soon!!!!!

  5. I love your photos and I am so glad that you went on this trip if for no other reason than so I can live vicariously through your photos. You are beautiful!
